The Adventures of Woodie Woodwind

    One day, in the small town of Falfungus, all was smelly as usual. In the award winning band hall, Woodie Woodwind thought of his wonderful day with his owner, Sarah. He joyed at the beautiful music they played, and joyed thinking about playing music with her the next day. As he marveled in his clarinet case, a voice from somewhere startled him. Mr. C, the assistant band director, started talking to himself. He seemed to be plotting something, and Woodie decided to listen, in, carefully. “Tomorrow when the kids leave for second period, I will steal Woodie Woodwind!” Mr. C said vengefully. Woodie shivered in his case. “How can this man be so mean,” he asked himself, “why would someone want to steal me?” Then Mr. C continued, “Since I’m retiring and moving to Peemont, I can give Woodie Woodwind to a person who plays clarinet, so they can get first chair at ATSSB.” Mr. C laughed evilly at his vivid though. He then unbuckled his pants to relief himself from his own fat, and relaxed as he thought about the next, priceless, day.

    Woodie Woodwind shivered in his case as he became frightened at the thought. For he loved his owner Sarah,
and he did not want to get stolen away from her. Out of bravery and courage, he got out of his case, and put himself together. He jumped off the shelf, and luckily landed on his feet. He ran and immediately stopped right before the office door. He wondered how he was going to run across without getting caught. He peered in, and as luck will have it, Mr. C was playing with the lard on his stomach. Woodie flattened himself against the wall, and forced himself to make a run for it.

    Mrs. C, Mr. C’s wife, walked in the main entrance as she bitched and yelled, like a crazy mad woman, at the birds that were attacking her hair. Woodie hid behind a uniform rack that was in the corner and prayed that she wouldn’t find him. The thought and the presence of her made him frightened. She continued screaming as the birds flew by trying to poke at her. Woodie shivered in his hiding place from her loud yelling. Mrs. C enjoyed to yell, she thought it to be amusing to disrupt a quite day. Mrs. C was a music teacher at the Elementary school. Once Woodie heard a rumor that she slapped a girl for not paying attention to her. In reality how could you not pay attention to her. She looked like an evil over sized clown with bright make up, and a creepy wicked smile that would light up the sky. She also believed to be the best singer in the world, and wanted every bit of attention to herself. Mrs. C’s style of clothes made her look like a walking disco as she thought she was it. She had on a silver squared shiny over shirt with a colorful shirt underneath. To many, it appeared that maybe she was on drugs and liked the luminous colors she wore. To others, her being on drugs was their excuse for her evil rage.

    After thirty minutes of waiting, horrified, in his secret place, finally Mrs. C left. Woodie drew a sigh of relief, and happily walked out of his hiding place. To his amazement he saw a little creature scurrying on the floor. To him it looked so cute and interesting. He walked up closer and found it to be a dust bunny. He jumped up and down with excitement, as he did this, the dust bunny moved forward from the air that Woodie was pushing toward it. He stop jumping, and noticed it further away. He ran toward it, but it just kept on pushing forward. He wanted to touch and pet the little dust bunny, and was determined to do so.

    Woodie followed it and chased it behind a piano. To his amazement it was dark and gloomy behind the large instrument. Within the darkness he walked into a jungle of long overly shed hair. Woodie freaked and panicked as he got tangled within the many different strands of hair. He wanted out as he quickly got claustrophobic. He stubbled out on the other side, and was relieved at the sight of light and fresh air. Then he quickly turned around and found the dust bunny still floating away from him. He continued running after it, and then the bunny exploded into millions of dust particles as it hit a spider’s web. Woodie watched as this happened, and got furious at the sight. He vowed his vengeance at the spider’s web for destroying a cute and loving creature. He walked up to the web, and noticed a white little egg sack near it. Out of anger, he grabbed it, and swallowed it hole. That ought to teach that web a listen, he though. Then out of the darkness a large spider emerged determined to protect it’s young.

    Woodie got scared of this new creature. It didn’t look cute or loving. It looked furious and threatening. It had four large legs on each side, and had two pokers in the front. Woodie’s eyes widened as he stared at the many eyes the creature had to offer. Woodie backed up slowly, as the spider inched its way towards him. I’m in for it now, he thought to himself. He backed up into the corner of a wall, closed his eyes and braced himself. Nothing happened, and then he opened his eyes. The spider stood there unwilling to harm Woodie. Maybe I should give back the thing I just swallowed, he smartly thought to himself.

    Woodie now knowing what the spider wants, started to jump up and down. Slowly the egg sack traveled down his body. Then after the last and final jump the egg sack fell to the floor. Woodie smiled nervously. He was about to bend over and pick it up to give to the spider, but it charged at him. Again Woodie backed into the corner frightened as he closed his eyes. He opened them and noticed the spider running away with her sack.. With one lesson learned Woodie continued on his adventure.

    The next day came so quickly in the small town. Sarah smiled as she walked to the band hall, enjoying her morning due. She loved playing music with Woodie, because he complimented her musical ability. She walked in the band hall every so happily, and brightened up the morning with her smile. She put her bag in a corner and went immediately to her case. She then opened it, and was surprise d to find Woodie gone. A gust of panic swept through her. Horrible thoughts crossed her mind, as she thought about the one thing she feared most, did her beloved Woodie run away from her. She shrugged off her thought, and started looking everywhere. She looked in every shelf and in every room to soon find out that maybe Woodie didn’t want to play music with her anymore. Sarah broke down into tears. “What’s wrong?” Mr. Shenz, the Band Director, asked. Sarah replied as she wiped the tears from her face, “Woodie Woodwind is gone. I looked everywhere , and I can’t find him.” “Well I’m sure he’s just missing, and I’ll bet he’ll turn up somewhere.” Mr. Shenz said reassuring her. In the office room, Mr. C overheard the conversation, and then Mr. Shenz walked in. “What’s missing?” Mr. C asked to make sure he heard right. “Her Woodie Woodwind is missing.” Mr. Shenz said devastated.

    Meanwhile, in the girls restroom, Woodie Woodwind locked himself in one of the stalls. He heard someone open the door, and he quickly jumped on the toilet seat so no one could see him from underneath. Mrs. M attempted to open the door to the stall, but she couldn’t because it was locked. “Damn kids, they always do shit like this.” She said to herself. She went into the other stall, and locked herself in. As Woodie wiped his sweat from his forehead, he immediately got startled as Mrs. M let out a big fart, and let one plunge into the water below. He lost his balance and fell straight back into the mysterious toilet water.

    Mrs. M left without flushing the toilet. Woodie Woodwind managed to get out of the water of fury, and tried to dry himself with the toilet paper. As he exited out of the stall he came across a quilted type of looking thing covered with redness, and appeared to have some sort of wings. With his quick thinking he decided he could use it as some type of transportation. He got two roll of toilet paper with the roller, and attached it to the bottom of his new automobile. Woodie used it as a skateboard and skated on out of the restroom. “Wee!” He exclaimed.

    Meanwhile Mr. C was at a lost for words. “I will find Woodie Woodwind myself and then steal him for all he’s worth. ” Mr. C said loud and proud. The period went by and Mr. Shenz reassured Sarah that he would eventually find Woodie when he comes back in the afternoon. Mr. C was left to himself and went looking for Woodie. Woodie climbed the stairs in the choir room and hid in the upstairs room. He then soon heard someone climbing the steps. He looked around wondering what to do. He thought for a long while until the door finally opened. He then realized that he could use his special skateboard to slide down the stair’s banister, and reach the bottom. He ran in between Mr. C’s legs, and his mouthpiece swung by hitting him in the crouch. Mr. C grabbed himself in pain as Woodie slid down to the banister. Mr. C recollected himself and ran down the stairs after him.

     Mr. C managed to trap Woodie in a corner. “Ha, ha, ha!” He said as he laughed evilly. Woodie got his automobile and threw it at his face. Red part smeared on him as it fell down. Woodie got himself in a ready to attack position. Mr. C of rage was about to reach over and strangle poor Woodie, but Mr. Shenz so happened to walk in. “Ah, So I see you have Woodie.” Mr. Shenz said. Mr C looked down at his crouch thinking that he meant something else by it. Then he realized he meant Woodie Woodwind. “Oh uh yeah. I caught him running around and I managed to trap him here in this corner.” “Oh good job, Sarah is going to be so proud.” Mr. Shenz noticed a red stain on the side of Mr. C’s lip. “You’ve been eating those jelly doughnuts again?” Mr. C looked at him confused. Woodie ran to Mr. Shenz to secure his safety.

    Woodie Woodwind was later returned to his owner, Sarah, and they played ever so happily together, but what they didn’t know was that the adventures were yet to soon begin.